Estimate Confidently
with Rally

Create accurate story point estimations,
whether you're working together in real-time or asynchronously.

Take Your Estimate from Abstract to Actionable

Build your agenda

Use Rally's collaborative agenda system to build and plan over work items you want to estimate on.

Explore this feature

Planning Poker

With Planning Poker, each team member can independently assess task complexity, providing a balanced view free from bias or influence. As estimates are revealed simultaneously, your team gains insights, opens up discussion, and arrives at consensus-driven decisions faster.

Compatible with Story Points
Support for Time Estimation
Built for real-time or asynchronous

Meet your dealer, AI

With Rally, planning poker isn't just about estimates. Rally breaks down tasks, showing what each team needs to do, factoring in experience levels, and time-to-complete—giving your team the clarity to plan projects with confidence

Improved Context & Accuracy
Reduce Estimation Anxiety
Reduce wide-ranging
Increased Alingment

Estimate for capacity visibility

Every time you are estimating using Rally, you are one step closer to providing yourself the most seamless experience for when it comes to distributing work, and assigning.

Learn More
Measure Team Capacity
Understand Impact

Smarter Estimation, Smarter Reports

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Jira CFDs with Rally

Rally can make Jira’s CFDs more actionable and insightful, helping teams overcome workflow bottlenecks and get tasks moving more smoothly.

Say Goodbye to Bottlenecks: Improve Your Workflow Efficiency with Rally and Jira

Rally helps teams eliminate the guesswork by providing deeper insights into task status and estimations, which can be used to act on the data revealed in the CFD.

Your Jira CFD is Telling You Something—Rally Helps You Act on It

Rally not only helps teams track task flow in Jira but also gives them the tools to fix inefficiencies and streamline their process.

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